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What's New with ANGER WITHIN:

07-17-07: Official ANGER WITHIN statement... Hey everyone, Wulf from Anger Within here. It's been about 2 1/2 - 3 years since the band broke up, (our last show, was in Oct., 2004, opening for Byzantine.) The time has come to write yet another chapter in the band's history. For those of you who don't know, I no longer live in Morgantown...I have since moved down to Georgia, and work full-time for Guitar Center now. After careful consideration, I have decided to reform the band, with a completely new line-up, and give it another run. To give you some insight, on this decision, I submit this... After 13 years of playing in Morgantown & the "tri-state" area, we had pretty much done everything you could do, as a band. We played all the bars/clubs, we were in the local newpapers, we were played on the local radio stations. The next logical step, would be to get signed, no? Well, constant line-up changes plagued the band, (thoughout the band's entire career, by the way.) Just as we getting some momenteum going, or doing well with a series of shows...a drummer would quit, or a bassist would quit. Obviously, this hurt the band, and caused us to start over, time & time again. We missed out, on alot of big shows, and possible record label showcases. The '90's were just plain bad timing for Anger Within. Even though metal had gone back underground, we were basically the only band in our small town of Morgantown, WV, keeping metal flag raised and flying. By the new millenium, the band was running out of steam. Alot of the guys in the band, had gotten married, and started to have families. They had other obligations, priorities, & responsibilites, that came first, (which I completely understood.) By 2004, I was burned out...mostly because of the missed opportunities the band had, but, also because of the lack of shared vision, amongst the band members. After 13 years, the band I started in the summer after high school, came to an end...or did it? Now it's almost three years later, & my love for all things metal, has come back to me...and so has the decision to resurrect Anger Within! I finally have new energy, outlook, & spirit, to continue with Anger Within's mission to bring straight forward, no frills, brutal thrash, to the rest of the world. With that said, I'd like to proudly introduce our new lead guitarist: CARLOS INCIARTE! We still have to establish a solid rhythm section, but we have the faith that the right people will come along. We'd like to thank all the past & present members of the band! But, mostly of all...we'd like to thank all the Anger Within fans worldwide. We'll see you all soon! Anger Within - NO COMPROMISE!!! Cheers, Wulf